There were 75 brethren that packed The Palace Masonic Hall at St Annes on Sea for the third installation ceremony of this specialist lodge within the South Fylde Group, Country Pursuits Lodge of West Lancashire No 6615.

The normal lodge business was conducted swiftly by the installing master Ian Heyes. This included a ballot for joining members that was successful and took the overall lodge membership to 61, which included the 8 joining members as from the date of installation.
At the appropriate moment, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master Philip Gardner, representing the Provincial Grand Master Mark Matthews entered the lodge room supported by a number of grand officers and Provincial grand officers, including group chairman Ben Gorry. Immediately following a formal welcome to Philip by the WM Ian Heyes, Ian presented Philip with three charitable cheques totalling £2,000. The beneficiaries being: Donna Heyes Forever Fund for Meningitis £1,000, Miles for Smiles £250 and Waddecar Scout Activity Centre £750. Philip thanked Ian and the brethren for the very generous donations to the charities.
Installing master Ian Heyes requested that John Topping occupy the chair of installing senior warden, Will Buchanan the chair of junior warden and David Jenkinson the position of installing inner guard. A fine ceremony ensued that saw Martin Swarbrick installed so ably by his cousin Ian Heyes, assisted by the officers and brethren who are joining members from lodges across the Province of West Lancashire. This variety of experience, knowledge and skills of the 61 members allows the Country Pursuits of West Lancashire Lodge to practise a somewhat diverse and bespoke form of Craft ritual, that is probably quite unique to anywhere else in the province.

The working tools of an installed master were eloquently presented by lodge treasurer Andy McClements, as were the third degree tools by James Newhouse, the second degree tools by William Buchanan senior and the first degree tools by James Henderson. Martin then appointed and invested all his officers. He went on to thank the lodge’s guest organist, Keith Jackson, for adding that special musical dimension to the proceedings. Keith replied that he has been playing the organ for the former Kirkham Lodge No 6615 and now Country Pursuits Lodge of West Lancashire for over 40 years. The various addresses to the officers, wardens, WM and brethren were all superbly delivered with great feeling.

The festive board was a culinary delight with wonderful courses provided by Masonic Event Catering, under the direction of chef and lodge member Lee Munro. The tastebuds were tickled by a starter of either melon or mixed Asian items, classic pork roast or meat salad, followed by peach melba or cheese and biscuits. Comments throughout the evening from brethren across the Province described the meal as probably the finest Masonic food ever had. The South Fylde Group is very lucky indeed to have such excellent in-house catering.

Following the three courses and tea or coffee, the toast list was efficiently worked through and a moving rendition of the Master’s Song was delivered by Michael Frankland of Longton Lodge No 6237 accompanied by guest organist Keith Jackson on the piano, which had all the brethren on their feet in between verses wishing the new Country Pursuits Lodge of West Lancashire team well.
An impressive raffle prize table was almost buckling under the weight of bottles and other prizes kindly donated by lodge members. The raffle tickets sold yielded an impressive £650. Together with the amount raised through the charity envelopes and a kind donation of £20 from the newly appointed director of ceremonies Bob Reeves, the total amount raised during the evening was £1,000.

Report and pictures by John Topping.